Looking for simplicity? Not so fast. If you have a developer who is able to build a Web Data Connector, and the APIs you are using supports CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing), then Tableau’s Data Connector will make quick work of connecting to APIs. If you find yourself without a developer, then that could really slow your momentum.
At Boulder Insight, we built a solution based on real world scenarios, where this problem was impacting our clients on a daily basis. Simply put, our Smart Proxy System handles all the messy stuff that Tableau’s Data Web Connector doesn’t.
At first glance, Tableau’s Web Connector looks like an easy plug and play exercise, and for some, it is. About Tableau Web Data Connectors. Here are a couple of issues that you may run into when working with order APIs that don’t support CORS:
Boulder Insight’s Smart Proxy System is built to handle all of the common problems you will encounter. Plus, our API Monitoring service will ensure that the data keeps flowing even if the API changes. If you do end up running into issues, just give us a call. We are happy to talk about building web connectors or our Smart Proxy System solutions if needed.